Press Release on Khaleej Times
Extending caution
Medical Insurance Coverage utilisation should be done only when required.
Rulers of the UAE are concerned about the well-being of expatriates in the country. Several government entities have realised the need for medical insurance and invited participation for medical insurance schemes to provide health security to the people.
Medical insurance coverage has been provided to corporate and individuals with a specially designed table of benefits (with a small premium). The success of medical insurance is possible when partners understand the scheme and work together supporting each other. The partners involved in medical insurance scheme include medical insurance companies, medical providers (Hospitals, Clinics and Pharmacies) and cardholders. All these partners work hand-in-hand for this noble cause, which is under process to provide the community with its health security.
When insurance company underwrite, it considers various aspects like loss ratio, census, etc. for calculation of premium. Since the premium was financially affordable, corporate started accepting the medical insurance package for their employees.
As the Chairman of an approved and qualified Third Party Administrator (TPA) under Insurance Authority, Health Authority Abu Dhabi and Dubai Health Authority, I would like to inform all partners to understand this scheme properly. The medical insurance card must be used only when required. It should not be considered as a luxury.
Today with the commencement of compulsory medical insurance scheme, medical providers are enjoying huge business. The cardholder, who is another partner of this scheme, should not misuse the medical insurance card. A medical insurance card is an assurance given to avail services as per the table of benefits. The medical services availed at medical facilities are paid by the insurance companies. If the cardholder utilises the card properly, then the entire community is benefitted and thus the premium for the next year also remains the same. I ask every cardholder to utilise his or her medical card only when it is required.
FMC Network UAE MC LLC is one of the leading TPAs in the UAE for more than a decade with a handful of insured members. They provide services to members as per the table of benefits designed by the insurance companies.
I have witnessed the medical insurance schemes of other countries but compared to them, UAE’s medical insurance programme is more viable, affordable and acceptable. I am sure that the government medical insurance scheme will be more and more popular and the entire population of the UAE will be registered under this scheme where all parties will be benefitted by working as a team and by supporting each other.
I would also like to highlight that medical professionals in the UAE understand this environment and are serving this country with commitment. I have personally witnessed this for the past 25 years and feel their role is very vital for the expatriate population here. I would like to request the regulatory bodies that any form of changes introduced should be done after considering the doctors who are serving this society for long. Considering practical difficulties, the regulators should give ample time to the doctors to shift to modernisation. Once the medical doctors shift to the new system, it would be a great advantage to the public.
I personally thank the rulers of this amazing country for achieving their vision in the health sector and for being a role model to other countries.
The writer is Chairman of FMC Network, UAE.
Dr. K. P. Hussain